Sunday, December 17, 2017

Jacksonville Times Union: Visitors from Anna Kingsley’s African homeland tour Kingsley Plantation

An 06 December 2017 article in the Jacksonville Times Union informs about the visit of an official delegation from Senegal to Kingsley Plantation in anticipation of a possible visit from the President of Senegal.
To acces the article in the newspaper's website, click here.  
To view the photographs accompanying the story, click here.

(My thanks to Dr. Kathleen Wu for bringing the story to my attention.)
As he guides the Senegalese delegation through Kingsley Plantation, historian Dr. Daniel Schafer points to Emanuel Kingsley in an informative panel depicting descendants of Zephaniah Kingsley. The other descendants pictured are, clockwise from top left: Osceola Kingsley, son of ZK; MaVine Betsch; Emanuel Kingsley and Perry Francis; unknown person; and Maria Perez Kingsley, my great grandmother and ZK's great granddaughter.  (Picture taken from Jacksonville Times Union website: ) 
Here's a transcript of the story:

Medoune Ndiaye stood up in a room at Kingsley Plantation and, in his native Wolof language, began reciting, from memory, the names of the rulers of the Kingdom of Jolof. He went on for many minutes: scores of names, covering hundreds of years, beginning in the 1400s.

On that long list was Mba Buri Niabu Ndiaye, one of his ancestors, and the father of the woman who became known as Anna Kingsley.

When he was done, he sat down and dabbed at his eyes with a tissue.

Ndiaye came to Kingsley Plantation on Tuesday to see where Kingsley remade her life after slavers stole her from her home in 1806. Born into the royal family as Anta MadjiguƩne Ndiaye, she is also a distant relative of his.

He was part of a 12-person delegation from Senegal that is traveling in her footsteps across Northeast Florida.

Their aim: To take her story back to Senegal, perhaps one day as a film, so people there will learn of the remarkable life of the kidnapped princess.

She is little known in Senegal, they said. Indeed, after she was taken, more than 200 years ago, who could have known what happened to her?

“We had no clue until Schafer came here with his book and that’s how we discovered she was not dead, killed by a lion or a hyena,” said Lamine Sambe, a university professor and adviser to Macky Sall, president of Senegal. “Nobody knew.”

Schafer is Dan Schafer, a University of North Florida historian and author of the 2003 biography “Anna Madgigine Jai Kingsley: African Princess, Florida Slave, Plantation Slaveowner.”

Schafer said Anna Kingsley was a Jolof princess with royal ancestry on both her father’s and mother’s sides. Kidnapped by slavers from a coastal African tribe, she was sold at the port of Rufisque and sold again at Goree Island, an infamous slave-trading post just off the Senegalese coast.

Bound for Cuba, she was sold again to slave trader and Florida planter Zephaniah Kingsley.

By the time she reached Northeast Florida, she was pregnant by the much-older Kingsley. She was 13.

At 18, now known as Anna Madigine Jai Kingsley, she was emancipated and acknowledged as Kingsley’s wife. She lived in Northeast Florida for 53 years, including nearly a quarter-century at Kingsley Plantation. She managed several plantations along the St. Johns River and owned slaves of her own.

She also spent some years at properties in Haiti, where her descendants have many stories about her.

“As she’s described by her descendants there, she would walk to her beach property, always in African clothes, with much gold, with servants,” Schafer said. “This is a woman with a real command and dignity about her.”

That is to be expected, Ndiaye, her relative, said through translator Alioune Cisse.

“She was only 13 when she was abducted. But she grew up in a kingly family,” he said. “She was accustomed to authority, so that determined her behavior, her conduct.”

Dauoda Niang, mayor of Rufisque, the port where Kingsley was sold, said a street there will be named after her this month.

People there need to know her story, he said.

“We didn’t know that the strong social values embedded in our women were transported in her, in the person of Anta MadjiguĆ©ne,” he said. “So it’s an extraordinary discovery.”

Still, he can’t help but imagine her as a young girl, enslaved and far from home.

“It’s just so sad,” Niang said, “that she was so alone.”

National park rangers showed the Senegalese delegation around Kingsley Plantation, which is part of the Timucuan Ecological and Historical Preserve. They went from the main plantation house to the barn to the half-circle of ruined tabby slave quarters — tiny buildings where families lived out their lives.

One display shows stocks that were found in the basement at Kingsley, in which slaves judged to have misbehaved would have been confined.

The Senegalese looked at them gravely and nodded: There are stocks much like that, they said, on Goree Island, where so many slaves were sold.

Their final stop: what’s known as the “Witness Tree,” an ancient live oak that stands near the graves of six slaves dating to the early 1800s, two of them children not yet 5.

“I can’t explain what I’m feeling now,” said Sambe, the adviser to the president. “I was prepared to see things like this, but I never think that it was so cruel. I can’t explain what I’m feeling deeply in my heart.”

Part of his mission is to prepare a report for Sall, in preparation for a possible presidential visit to the plantation next year. It’s important, he said, for the people of Senegal to know of the strength of Anna Kingsley.

“We are not slaves of slavery,” Sambe said. “That’s why we came here to talk to you and show you that we are brothers. People are now in the same village.”

On Wednesday, the group will tour Jacksonville University, where one of Anna Kingsley’s plantations once stood. After that, they will travel to see where she is buried in the nearby Arlington neighborhood of Clifton.

She died in 1870, at 77. Her grave is unmarked.

(c) Times-Union. Story by Matt Soergel: (904) 359-4082

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

National Park Service website: "What is the Kingsley Heritage Celebration?"

Emanuel Kingsley, founder of the Kingsley Heritage Celebration

This is the National Park Service website's page explaining the history of the KHC and titled "What is the Kingsley Heritage Celebration?". The image is a screenshot of the page as of 20 April 2021. 

Here's the link to the official NPS page:

And here's the text of the first two paragraphs of the page:

The Kingsley Heritage Celebration is an annual event held at Kingsley Plantation each February. “This event is a celebration of the determination and perseverance of the human spirit to survive against incredible odds,” explained former Superintendent Barbara Goodman. “The goal of the event is to present this history in meaningful ways to our community.”

The idea for the event came from Emanuel Kingsley, a descendant of Anna and Zephaniah Kingsley. The first Kingsley Heritage Celebration was held in 1998, as a Kingsley family reunion. Emanuel presently lives in New York City, but was born and raised in the Dominican Republic. He feels that: "Kingsley Plantation is a place that breaks expectations, a place where you can learn the story of a free African woman, who had been a slave, who owned and managed her own property. It a place whose owner, Zephaniah Kingsley, advocated the end of prejudice in society yet upheld slavery. Every year we keep their memory and spirit alive, by visiting the park and the event - physically and emotionally. We remember the enslaved and the free at this plantation. It is a way we together can continue to fight for a world where absolutely all types of discrimination are vanished forever. Before we achieve this goal, we must actively start the healing process from within ourselves and in our communities. This year's Kingsley Heritage Celebration will help open our minds and our hearts through a variety of inspiring activities. I thank the National Park Service, and the passionate staff of Kingsley Plantation for so whole-heartedly driving this celebration year after year. Their pride in their stewardship of this site just shines through!"

Florida Times Union 1998 article on the first Kingsley Heritage Celebration

Okay so the "African noble" part is a bit off but hey, can you blame for the stuff I said back in the late 90s? Still, it's a very beautiful piece. I still remember that phone call to the Plantation from the Miami Airport payphone, and Kathy answering the phone. Mom had the newspaper article framed and it still hangs in her home in Santo Domingo. If I can get a hold of a scan I'll post it, but until then, here's a link to the article at the Florida Times Union: 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

African American Archaeology: Born at Kingsley Plantation?

Page from the book.
Today while working on a research project I came across the book Uncommon Ground: Archaeology and Early African America, 1650-1800 by Leland Ferguson. To my surprise, Kingsley Plantation was mentioned as the place where archaeologist and anthropologist Charles H. Fairbanks conducted professional excavations of slave cabins for the first time in the US. I immediately added the following to his Wikipedia page:

His 1967-1969 excavations on the slave cabins at Kingsley Plantation, Fort George Island, Florida—the southernmost of the Sea Islands—were the first of their kind in the United States. Undertaken to "learn more about slave life," he called his practice "Plantation Archaeology," and for more than a decade the graduate program he led at the University of Florida was the only one in the nation with a concentration in African American archaeology.

This also led me to write the folks at Kingsley Plantation regarding the 2010 discovery of a graveyard under the Witness Oak. I wanted to know if any new information had emerged as a result of data interpretation. Shauna Ray Allen, Chief of Resource Stewardship and Partnerships at Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve and Fort Caroline National Memorial quickly replied to my email stating that:

  • The work at the University of Florida on analyzing and documenting the wealth of materials uncovered at Kingsley Plantation is...ongoing
  • The discovery occurred during the 2010 University of Florida archaeology field school and...we have determined that the burials are Kingsley-era. The remains have not been linked to the Kingsley family other than by time and proximity. We have not conducted any DNA testing on the remains. 
  • The civic engagement on the discovery continues and no decision has been made on marking the site at this time. There is a need to conduct additional testing to determine the approximate extent of the site...
I'll keep trying to keep apprised of the happenings at Kingsley Plantation as best as possible. After all, the Kingsley story —which in my case, crossed oceans—was passed on to me and those of my generation, and remains important to the Kingsley descendants of Mayorazgo de Koka, Kingsley's estate in Haiti.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Sandra Arvelo Kingsley in the Florida Times Union (2008 Kingsley Heritage Celebration)

Sandra Lebron Kingsley Descendant
Sandra Arvelo Kingsley, Kingsley descendant and "world's best mom" speaks at the Kingsley Heritage Celebration.
Sandra Arvelo Kingsley, a great-great-great-granddaughter of Anna and Zephaniah Kingsley, and her brother Wences flew from the Dominican Republic to attend the 2008 Kingsley Heritage Celebration. Sandra introduced the main event, a guided letter reading titled "Zephaniah Kingsley: World Traveller" and prepared by historian and Kingsley specialist Dr. Daniel L. Schafer, Professor Emeritus at the University of North Florida.

The event was covered by the Florida Times Union, as seen on the screenshot of the website, above. The article was titled "Descendants of Slaveholder Join to Note History: Zephaniah and Anna Kingsley Are Recalled at a Family Reunion."

Kingsley Heritage Celebration 2008
Cover of the Kingsley Heritage Celebration program. The images are, from left to right: Easter Bartley, formerly enslaved at Kingsley Plantation and Emma Vera Baxter, Granddaughter of Zephaniah and Anna Kingsley through their daughter Mary.

Aerial view of Fort George Island and Kingsley Plantation

Kingsley Plantation aerial view
Aerial view of Kingsley Plantation and Fort George Island.
Image source:
Amazing aerial view of Fort George Island and Kingsley Plantation. I love the expanse of green, the setting is absolutely stunning. To me it's one of the most beautiful places on Earth! This image was taken from the University of North Florida's Florida History Online website and the original caption reads:

The northwest corner of Fort George Island, the site of Kingsley Plantation of the National Park Service. The building on the left is the oldest plantation house in Florida. Built in 1796 for John McQueen, it was subsequently the domicile of John H. McIntosh, Zephaniah Kingsley, and other planters. A map drawn in 1791 by Spanish engineer Mariano de la Rocque shows a second north to south road on the island that terminated at this site.

Zephaniah Kingsley Jr.'s handwriting and Signature

Zephaniah Kingsley handwriting and signature
A sample of Zephaniah Kingsley Jr.'s handwriting and signature.
This is a sample of Zephaniah's original handwriting and signature. I guess in the absence of a portrait, this could offer a glimpse into the man, since handwriting is a very personal thing.